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Serumski biomarkeri sepse

Klinika za urgentnu hirurgiju Urgentnog centra KCS
Klinika za anesteziologiju i reanimatologiju KCS
Kramer MS, Demissie K, Yang H, Pl att RW, Sauve R, Liston R. The contribution of mild and moderate preterm birth to infant mortality. Fetal and Infant Health Study Group of the Canadian Perinatal Surveillance System. JAMA. 2000; 284: 843–9.
Vincent JL, Sakr Y, Sprung CL, et al. Sepsis occurrence in acutely ill patients investigators: sepsis in European intensive care units: results of the SOAP Study. Crit Care Med. 2006; 34: 344–53.
Kauss IAM, Grion CMC, Cardoso LTQ et al. The epidemiology of sepsis in a Brazilian teaching hospital. Brazilian J. Infect. Dis. 2010; 14(3), 264–270.

Serumski biomarkeri sepse


Medicinski glasnik

Terapija bola kod pacijenata sa politraumom

Klinika za urgentnu hirurgiju Urgentnog centra KCS
Klinika za anesteziologiju i reanimatologiju KCS
Dobsha, S, Campbell, Rose, Morasco, Benjamin, Freeman, Michelle, Helfand, Mark. Pain in Patients with Polytrauma: A Systematic Review, 2008. Web Feb 21, 2012.
D’Amours, Scott, Sugrue, Margret, Dean, Smith. Initial Management of the Poly-trauma Patient: A Practical Approach in an Australian Major Trauma Service. Scandinavian Journal of Surgery 91: 23–33, 2010
Pape, Hans-Christoph, Pietzman, Andrew, Schwab, William. Damage Control management in the Polytrauma Patient. New York: Springer Science LLC, 2010. PubMed Health. Pains in Patients with Polytrauma: Summary and Discussion, 2008. Web Feb 21, 2012.

Terapija bola kod pacijenata sa politraumom

Medicinski glasnik