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Uspešnost ablacije tkivnih ostataka kod terapije diferentovanog tireoidnog karcinoma radioaktivnim jodom

Medicinski glasnik
Odeljenje nuklearne medicine Specijalne bolnice Čigota, Zlatibor
Remnant ablation (RA) success and differentiated thyroid carcinoma (DTC) outcome in Stage III/IV patients: Recombinant human thyrotropin (rhTSH) vs. thyroid hormone withdrawal (THW); J. Vallejo, L. Mena, M. Gálvez and J. Latre; J Nucl Med May 2011 vol. 52
Ablation with Low-Dose Radioiodine and Thyrotropin Alfa in Thyroid Cancer; Ujjal Mallick, F.R.C.R. et al; N Engl J Med 2012; 366: 1674–85.

Uspešnost ablacije tkivnih ostataka kod terapije diferentovanog tireoidnog karcinoma radioaktivnim jodom.

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