Department for physical medicine and rehabilitation was founded at this Institute in 1971. From then until today, the Department has expanded with regards to personnel, space and engineering and it has developed into a modern Department for physical medicine and rehabilitation, which nowadays has all the apparatus for electrotherapy, magnetotherapy, sonotherapy, phototherapy, thermotherapy, hydrotherapy and mechanotherapy, as well as modernly equipped facility for kinesitherapy.
Out of expert personnel there are two doctors specialists of physical medicine and rehabilitation, 22 physiotherapeutists, masseurs, cosmeticians.
- Acute and chronical diseases of locomotor system,
- Degenerative diseases of spinal column and periphery joints (lumbago, disopathy of neck and lumbal spine, sciatica, cocsartrosis, gonartrosis ...)
- Rheumatic disorders (Rheumatoid arthritis, M. Behterev, gout)
- Out-of-joint rheumatism of soft tissues, tendinitis, tendosynovitis, entensopathia, epicondilitis (tennis elbow), painful shoulder syndrom
- Central nervous system
- Children’s deformities
- Posttraumatic conditions and contractures
- Sports injuries: distentions, distortions, contusions, fractures, slow calus formaton
- Periphery circulation disorders (polyneuropathies as a consequence of diabetes, extensive smoking and alchochol consuming)
- Anticellulite programme for treatment and prevention of all types of cellulite by applying physical procedures: lymph drainage, sauna, sub-water massage, ody line muscle stimulator, laser and manual massage