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Sedentary behavior at obese children and youth


This work presents a research of sedentary behavior at obese children and youth, which was examined considering the amount of time spent on activities that include computers and television, and the amount of children’s physical engagement. The sample is made of 375 obese children and adolescents, aged 12-18 years, 47.7% of which are male, and 52.1% female. They all filled in the questionnaire designed for the purpose of “Cigotica” program. The questionnaire examined the amount of time spent on sedentary behavior.

Medicinski glasnik

EASO Collaborating Centers for Obesity Management (COMs)


Obesity is a global epidemic and the most prevalent metabolic disease in the world. Preventive and treatment measures taken are still not adequate and these services are still not equally widespread. In response to this situation, EASO has developed a network of “accredited specialised obesity centers”, where the quality and efficacy of the care offered to patients are of the highest standards. Under the EASO Collaborating Centers for Obesity Management (COM) scheme, these centers will be accredited in accordance with accepted European and academic guidelines.

Medicinski glasnik

The Family and an Obese Child


Obesity in children is a “new” epidemic of the modern society, whose importance is far greater in terms of the consequences it creates than is the problem itself. The etiology of obesity is certainly complex and multifactorial. This paper studies the effects of the family on the occurrence of obesity in children and adolescents in the context of Bronfenbrenner’s bioecological systems theory.

Medicinski glasnik