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The influence of music on cardiopulmonary parameters during a different intensity of physical exercise in the population of students

Clinical Centre of Serbia, Doktora Subotića, Belgrade
Szmedra L, Bacharach DW. Effect of music on perceived exertion, plasma lactate, norepinephrine and cardiovascular hemodynamics during treadmill running. Int J Sports Med. 1998; 19(1): 32–7
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The influence of music on cardiopulmonary parameters during a different intensity of physical exercise in the population of students

Medicinski glasnik

Diaphragmatic injuries – therapy and diagnosis

Clinical Centre of Serbia, Doktora Subotića, Belgrade
Fair KA, Gordon NT, Barbosa RR, Rowell SE, Watters JM, Schreiber MA. Traumatic diaphragmatic injury in the American College of Surgeons National Trauma Data Bank: a new examination of a rare diagnosis.Am J Surg. 2015 May; 209(5):864-8; discussion 868–9.
KL Shackleton, ET Stewart, AJ Taylor. Traumatic diaphragmatic injuries: spectrum of radiographic findings. Radiographics. 1998; 18(1): 49–59.
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Diaphragmatic injuries – therapy and diagnosis


Medicinski glasnik