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Aggressive clinical course of medullary thyroid microcarcinoma

Clinic of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolic Disease, University Clinical Center of Serbia
Faculty of medicine, University of Belgrade
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Aggressive clinical course of medullary thyroid microcarcinoma

Medicinski glasnik

Different Forms of Mycobacterial Infections in Patients Receiving Anti-TNF Therapy – Case Reports

Faculty of Medicine, University of Belgrade
Emergency Center, University Clinical Center of Serbia
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Different Forms of Mycobacterial Infections in Patients Receiving Anti-TNF Therapy – Case Reports


Medicinski glasnik

Latent Tuberculosis – Most Common Dilemmas Or Who Asked for Quantiferon?

Faculty of Medicine, University of Belgrade
Emergency Center, University Clinical Center of Serbia, Belgrade
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Latent Tuberculosis – Most Common Dilemmas Or Who Asked for Quantiferon?


Medicinski glasnik

Image-guided methods in the treatment of thyroid nodules and cancer

Clinic of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolic Disease, University Clinical Center of Serbia.
Faculty of Medicine, University of Belgrade
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Image-guided methods in the treatment of thyroid nodules and cancer

Medicinski glasnik