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The Medical Gazette of the Special Hospital for Thyroid and Metabolism publishes articles of doctors, pharmacists, biochemists, biologists and other associates from the field of medicine and other medically-related fields. Only original works are accepted, such as statements, case reports, literary reviews, correspondence, reports of relevant meetings, book reviews, journal reviews and reviews of other publications, letters to the editor and readers’ letters.

Submissions should be sent in .doc format (Microsoft Word), Arial 11 or 12-pt sized font (14 or 16-pt sized font titles). All submissions will be converted to PDF format and placed in the Gazette appropriately. Articles can be found using key words search, title search, author search or quick search.

Submissions should be sent to or English translation of the whole article and all the annexes should also be sent. Editorial board sends the submissions to reviewers. If they suggest changes or additions, the text, without the names of the reviewers, is sent back to the author who is given a window of time in which to send the revised text back to the editorial team. Then, the article is published on in the section called electronic publications. A notification of this will be sent to endocrinology centres in the country and abroad. Submissions will be published at least twice a year in the print version of the Gazette.

Title page
Title page should contain the title without any abbreviations, first and last names of the authors and the name of the institution in which the study was carried out. The e-mail address should be typed at the bottom of the page.

First page
The first page should contain the title both in Serbian and English and full names of authors without their titles or academic ranks. At the bottom of the page there should be addresses of the authors with the full name of the first author, his title, e-mail address. The abstracts in Serbian and English should be maximum of 250 words, with five key words at the most.

Article content
The original article should include the introduction, objectives, methods of work, results, discussion, conclusions and references. If abbreviations are used, they must be spelt out in full preceding their first usage in the text. The number of pages together with the summary, all annexes and references should not exceed 12.
Tables should be made in Microsoft Word and allow transparency. Charts should be made in .xls format. Drawings, schemes, pictures and photographs are accepted in .bmp, .tif, .tiff and .jpg formats.

References are listed according to the rules of Vancouver convention. When articles are cited, the first and the last pages of the article are cited, whereas when a book is cited, only specific pages are cited. Whenever it is possible, articles published in extenso and not summaries should be cited. Abbreviations for journals should be used from Index Medicus. All authors should be cited if there are six of them or less. Otherwise, the first three authors should be cited and then et. al should be added after the last name.