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Catalog of all services SPA & Wellness Čigota download here.

Perfect way to clean your body from toxins and to feel the benefits of relaxation.


Duration: 40 min
Price: RSD 3,000.00

Duration: 50 min
Price: RSD 4,000.00

Massage of muscle-connective tissue intended for athletes who are in intensive training, for prevention of inflammatory processes and achievement of better sports results. During massage of the whole body, focus is on the individual needs of the client. The goal is to recover the muscle from microtrauma on the muscle fibers, which lead to inflammation and pain, as well as reducing the amount of lactic acid that is created after physical effort (training). This type of massage stimulates circulation, flow of nutrients and oxygen that are necessary for muscle recovery.


Duration: 60 min
Price: RSD 3,500.00

This technique involves whole-body massage at the physical level. It is intended for anyone who wants a short break from everyday tasks. The goal of the massage is to remove stress and accumulated fatigue. Relax massage establishes the proper work of the heart, improves circulation and deepens breathing. This technique enables the muscular structure of the client to be relaxed very quickly and efficiently. Combined with adequate aromatic oils, which, by the senses of smell, affect the centers for calm, quick relaxation and deep mental work are achieved. Relax massage promotes the secretion of endorphins - the hormone of happiness in a timely manner.


Duration: 90 min
Price: RSD 4,000.00

Holistic full body massage is a massage which leads to a deep relaxation of the body on the physical, emotional and mental level. This treatment uses various techniques which will, at the moment of the massage, give the best effect in relieving symptoms caused by stress and bad life habits, eliminating toxins from the body, achieving relaxation and creating a better mood. For everyone who wants to dedicate their time to themselves and their own need sparing time (60-120 min) after the massage for their own personal growth and development (meditation, reading, movies, socialising...).


Duration: 90 min
Price: RSD 4,000.00

‘Global welfare’ is achieved by a special treatment which represents a combination of traditional and classical medical knowledge, which is the reason why it is specially designed for a modern man. Due to a good energy balance which is established through working on energy centres and channels, it is possible to perform lymphatic drainage of the whole body in cases which are otrherwise contraindicated for this type of treatment. It is created for the majority of customers regardless of their sex and age, while a sense of relief, alleviation and complete disappearance of the symptoms caused by improper sitting and low physical activity, poor diet and exposure to stressful situations, are felt much longer due to a specially selected combination of essential oils.

The importance of this type of technique and the possibilities of its application in the majority of cases is shown by the fact that the technique itself is studied in the first-level training for Spa and Wellness therapists according to the Beauty Imagini Methodology and it represents the basic part of the offer of all the leading holistic centres in the world.


Partial massage is directed exclusively to a specific, desired part of the body (back, neck, head, feet ...). Main goal is to quickly relax or release a certain part of the body from stress and tension. This is a more intensive, specifically focused technique, which usually takes about 30 minutes depending on the type of massage.


Duration: 20 min
Price: 1.400,00 din

In the meeting with ourselves and with other people, the first look is made in the direction of our face. If we can and if we want to observe, everything tells us how we feel: are we resting, if our face muscles are tense, whether we’ve been in front of a computer for a long time, or in an enclosed space, how much toxins did our body absorbed etc. If we recognize one of these conditions when we look at the mirror, it is quite certain that recieving a face massage once or twice per week could drastically change our appearance, as it would help detoxify the skin, relax the facial muscles and at the same time enhance the skin’s tone. Of course, special role in theis change have beauty products (creams or oils) used during facial massage, which are chosen according to the type and condition of the skin.


Duration: 20 min
Price: 1.400,00 din

Clients who are very exposed to stress, certainly have an intense feeling of ‘pressure’ in the head, and especially in the back part of the head, forehead, temples and top of the head. For this reason, important rule in our0 Center is to include head massage during every treatment (whole body, partial, facial treatment ...). In cases of intense mental activity, depression, anxiety, frequent headaches, migraine, massage of the hairy part of the head has a special significance in serial treatments when it enhances quick relaxation, reduction or complete disappearance of the symptoms and improvement of the general state of the body. Massage can be done without or with oil (depending on the needs and possibilities of the client).


Duration: 30 min
Price: RSD 1,200.00

With ginger compress/termal mud:

Duration: 45 min
Price: RSD 1,500.00

Abdominal massage technique developed in Japan (brought from China), in which the diagnosis and mitigation (or complete healing) of the symptoms which can occur in the stomach (collon irritation, swelling, digestive problems, endometriosis...) are done by palpation of the abdomen. The essence of this technique is in the oriental philosophy which connects the mind and the body through the energy pathways, the centre of which is Hara (the centre of vital energy). This is a very useful technique for people with slow metabolic processes (it helps with the treatment of weight loss), as well as in those who cannot “digest” circumstances they live in (psychological level).

Ginger or termal mud compresses (blood purification, faster toxin elimination, strengthening and revitalising the kidney function...) increase the effects of the ampuku technique.


Sport: 30 min
Price: RSD 2,000.00

Relax: 40 min
Price: RSD 2,000.00

Sports/ relax back massage. It is for everyone who does not have enough time for the full body massage, but they have a chronic problema with a back pain, shoulder girdle, and cervical verterbrae. The obligatory part of the massage is the massage of the head and neck.


Sport: 30 min
Price: RSD 1,800.00

Relax: 30 min
Price: RSD 1,800.00

Sports leg massage is designed for athletes who have intensive trainings to prevent inflammatory processes and help them achieve better sports results.


Duration: 30 min
*In case of prominent veins and capillaries only drainage movements are used in the treatments Nevercell 1+1 or Thermica ,cryo packages (GIO, BRA)are especially recommended or drainage using Sport gel.

Nevercell 1+1

Price: 1.700,00 din

A very strong effect on the water and fat deposits, and due to pineapple enzymes and Centellae asiatica (algae), exctracted in powder which is activated at the moment of product application. This treatment is used to regroup hydrolipid mass, so that the stimulation of blood circulation and cell viscosity prolong the effect of skin elasticity for a longer period of time.

Especially recommended for strong sports muscles (sports cellulite).

*The therapist activates the content of the ampoule by tightening the stopper in the clockwise direction, mixes the content well so that the oil is blended with the active powder, opens the ampoule and performs the massage.

Hyperaemic oil

Price: 1.500,00 din

(a very strong hyperemic effect – not to be used with prominent capillaries and veins) Great effects are achieved due to exceptional hyperemic qualities. Accelerating the fluid elimination and establishing the hydrolipid balance, as well as stimulating the blood circulation and strengthening the blood vessels, provide a long lasting elasticity to the tissue. Due to the presence of Methyl nicotin which is a good filter, but at the same time it causes severe redness and the feeling of hotness, this treatment is notrecommended for sensitive skin.


Price: 1.500,00 din

(can be used in dilated cappilaries)
Created for combating chronicle cellulite, as it breaks down hydro lipid deposits, stimulates blood flow, oxygen exchange and intercelular metabolism. Thanks to blueberry and caffeine, bioflavanoids, blood vessels are protected. Caffein stimulates the weight loss process and frees toxins from the tissues, stimulates fat break-down, stimulating the enzyme reactions during the fat deposits break down.

Recommendation for further care: Thermica cream, Nevercell 1+1 aqueous solution, Shilly Shallymetabolic activator.


Duration: 30 min
Price: RSD 1,700.00

Reflexology + Paraffin wrap: 45 min
Price: RSD 2,000.00

Foot massage is one of the oldest massage techniques. A particularly perfected technique of stimulation of specific points on the feet has a direct influence on specific organs in the whole body and alleviates or completely removes the pain, not only in feet but in organs with which these points corresponds.

According to reflexology, the body consists of 14 channels that transfer the energy through the nerves, lymph, blood. If, for any reason, this flow is interrupted, it is neccessary to establish it by applying adequate stimulations. Through a massage (centuries old experiences teach us this) we can act in such a way to unblock the energy pathways. In this way, we can stimulate the internal organs, especially when it comes to the pain of certain organs (stomach, lungs, throat...) and when the massage of the painful parts imposible.


Duration: 20 min
Price: RSD1.100,00

This is one of the oldest massage techniques that is the basis of the body massage tradition. Since this is a part of our body that is very exposed to the physical effort of carrying our entire body’s weight, as well as the specific appearance of the foot that consists of a large number of small bones and muscles, it is clear that this is a very subtle, and in the same time a powerful part of legs. Massage complies with this: subtle, with some deep pressures in places where tension is felt and where it is necessary to promote the elimination of the toxins by intensifying drainage movements.

The sense of relief after such massage spreads throughout your body, and serial treatments could help the body to purify itself easier and therefore less accumulate toxins. It is especially important for symptoms of insomnia and continuous tension. If necessary, adequate essential oils or scrub FlashFeet are used during the massage.