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During the ČIGOTICA programme the following lectures are provided for:

Pediatrician: Obesity, etiology, complications and treatment
Physical education teacher: Significance of physical activity in prevention and treatment of obesity
Dietetitian: Significance of the healthy nutrition in prevention and treatment of obesity
Psychologist: Psychological support in treating obesity

Lectures on risks, complications and treating obesity held by pediatricians, psychologists,  physical education teachers, nutritionists  and workshops with exchange of experience of obese children contribute to treating and choosing healthy life style.
Attitudes on life style, diet habits and body activity, are usually learnt and acquired in families where they are deeply rooted. Therapeutic treatment and primarily education must include family as well.

Maintenance and loss of weight can be achieved only with permanent observing and changes in the life style such as:
- healthy nutrition
- increasing usual physical activity (e.g. fast walk) 30 - 60 minutes a day.
- decrease of physical inactivity (e.g. watching TV) to < 2 hours a day or totally 14 hours a week.