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Examining the effect of the type of sport on the frequency of electrocardiographic changes in medical students involved in sports

Laboratorija za medicinu sporta i terapiju vežbanjem, Institut za medicinsku fiziologiju „Rihard Burijan“, Medicinski fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu
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Examining the effect of the type of sport on the frequency of electrocardiographic changes in medical students involved in sports

Medicinski glasnik

Comparison of mental health and quality of life in active and non active elder’s female in west region of Tehran

Department of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, Alzahra University, Tehran, Iran
Bengston, V, et al. Paradoxes of families and ageing. Hard Book of Aging and The Social Sciences. New York: Academic Press, 1996.
Becker, BJ., Tenenbaum, G. Physical activity and psychological well-being in advanced age. Zinman College of Physical Education and Sciences, 2005, 20 (2): 272–284
Balboa-Castillo, T., León-Muñoz, L. M., Graciani, A., Rodríguez-Artalejo, F., Guallar- Castillón, P. Longitudinal association of physical activity and sedentary behavior during leisure time with health-related quality of life in community-dwelling older a

Comparison of mental health and quality of life in active and non active elder’s female in west region of Tehran.

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Medicinski glasnik



Insulin resistance (IR) with resultant hyperinsulinism is basically the origin of the development process from obesity to insulin-independent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM). This process contributes to a reduced physical activity that is manifested in a reduced physical ability. Under the influence of a regular individually measured physical activity of aerobic character, it is possible to increase biological efficiency of insulin and affect the process of early and evolutive atherosclerosis.

Medicinski glasnik